
“A session with Kirsty is all that you’ll need to feel connected, energised, and ready to take on the next challenge/accept what is and feel empowered leaving the session. Anytime I do a session with Kirsty, my soul is lightened and refreshed by the healing and chat. I highly recommend Kirsty’s quantum healing sessions. Thank you Kirsty for taking this role/responsibility for helping so many women in your journey. Stay blessed.”

Rinchal QLD

“Kirsty appeared on my path exactly when I needed her. Proving the universe always has your back, even in the void. She has been the greatest support over the last 2 weeks, helping me transition during this deep awakeniung phase. She helped me unravel the conditioning and programming and guided me back to my true self-thank you Kirsty!”

Kristine, Ireland

“Kirsty, I already made my husband re-listen with me this morning, and suffice to say we’ll be booking him in for a session soon. This session yuo gave blew my mind. I am still so in awe at how much information resonated with me, gave me guidance, hope, and empowerment. And most of all, I had a BLAST! It felt like the deepest therapy session where I didn’t need to speak. Where I felt cozy and comfy and in a medatative state, while you worked with the univerese to help heal me at soul level. I felt so supported, so loved, so connected, and as one. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This has meant more to me than you could ever know. “

Andrea, Hawaii

“Oh my goodness Kirsty you’ve done it again! I’ve had a few Akashic record readings and clearings. Each one cleansing and magical. Tuesdays sesson has given me such clarity and reassurance. I now have a calm within me I’ve not known before. I’m so glad I answered the call to nourish myself this way. It os soooo transformational. Kirsty you are incredibly gifted. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.”

Kim, QLD