Cosmic Light Energy Healing School


Welcome to the home of energy healing trainings!

Over the past five years Kirsty has studied many energy healing modalities, along with becoming a certified coach, and helped hundreds of women around the world not only heal, but transform their lives through undertaking in spiritual development and energy healing trainings.

This is how the Cosmic Light School came to be.

Kirsty has a strong belief that there is never one approach to healing, and the journey needs to accomodate the physical body, emotions, mindset, and spirituality for true healing and change to occur.

Each modality Kirsty learnt, helped through each stage on her own healing journey, and why she teaches you to have a whole tool kit of tools and modalities so you can take the same approach to your healing, or helping clients navigate their healing journey.

Cosmic Light Energy Healing School is proud to have two main trainings they now offer. Ray of Light Intuitive Healing trainings and Akashic Record training.

Ray of Light trainings all have a foundation of reiki training and teachings incorporated into them for a strong structure and foundation to energy healing training.

Each level taking the healing journey further. These unique energy healing trainings incorporate other modalities into level 2 and 3, such as EFT/Tapping, Sound Healing, Holistic Coaching, Working with oracle cards, Light Language, Western Shamanic practices, Akashic Records, and more. Delivered over three levels of training.

Level 1 Ignite Your Light-Foundation level so Self healing, psychic development & building intuition. This level focuses on the physical body.

Level 2 Harness your light-Become an Intuitive Practitioner & Energy Healer. This level focuses on the emotional body.

Level 3 Master your light-Become the master and take the journey deeper. This level focuses on the spiritual body.

And now new out- Akashic Record level 1 and 2 trainings!

This is a great addition if you are not wanting to go all the way to level 3 ray of light training where these unique trainings are offered as a part of the course. Or already a practitioner, but wanting to add Akashic Record training to your modalities.

Level 1- learn to access, read, and do clearings inside your own akashic records.

Level2-learn to do reading and clearings for others.

The akashic records is deep soul work, and this can be an amazing tool to gain so much insight into yourself, and to help take your healing sessions to the next level with akashic wisdom and guidance.

These trainings are a powerful and incredibly unique journey for each person who chooses to embark on it. For some, it is to find a deeper connection to themselves, their ability to heal naturally and have a stronger mind-body-spirit connection, so they can move through life with more ease and joy.

For others, this training is about learning powerful tools and techniques, to harness our natural ability to heal and be in sync with our minds, our intuition, our spirit and our physical body, so they can then share this with others and work as a Intuitive Healer/Practitioner.


What is Reiki?

Reiki is first and foremost a way of being. It is also a path for self-healing and personal development with the possibility of bringing healing to others through either hands-on or hands-or distant healing.

During the levels of Ray Of Light Training, you will learn healing techniques and will become a channel for healing energy to pass through. Each level of training includes energy attunements which are the key to positive changes.

These attunements are not your average, or traditional Usui Reiki attunements. Kirsty’s unique training brings forth Light Codes and activations, as part of the attunement process. Acting as a super charger, and accelerator, bringing forth quantum healing, soul gifts and abilities, long forgotten to the forefront once more.

Allowing for many psychic gifts to come online at once, as well as fine tuning intuition with the light codes being apart of the attunement.

After each level of Ray Of Light training, a 21-day healing and transformative period occurs, shedding what is no longer in alignment to allow you to access more light.

All courses are now completely online and self paced, with all the trainings in video format for your convenience to go at your own pace, as well as printable manuals available for all courses.

When you have completed all training, you simply book your attunement in with Kirsty. This takes place via a 1:1 zoom call. There are then assessments that need to be completed to receive your certification.

This is much more than your average and traditional Reiki courses; this is a mentorship on your unique healing journey, to unlock your intuition and psychic abilities, and to learn advanced energy healing techniques and skill, along with infusing several other modalities to give you the key skills and confidence, making you an equipped lightworker and bearer of new earth medicine.

Kirsty created this course, because it was the course she wish was available at the time of her studies. Making this a comprehensive energy healing training for personal healing, or to start a career in.

All trainings are IICT compliant and meet the high standards of excellence and training. Trainings are based on the traditional Usui Reiki System and incorporate psychic and intuitive healing practices, and other modalities in level 2 and 3.

Want a taste of this before committing to the training? Click here for a free 2.5 hour workshop that coves aspects of level 1 training and a healing session at the end. Click here to watch now.

Reiki Course

Make it stand out

Benefits of Reiki:

Reiki has powerful restorative powers and may provide the following benefits:

· Improve clarity around life purpose
· Increase awareness
· Deeper soul connection
· Inner wisdom and intuition
· Relief from chronic pain and illness
· Relief from anxiety and depression
· Relief from fatigue and insomnia
· Renewed energy and vitality
· Release past trauma
· Release negative emotions
· Stress relief and deep relaxation


Take the next steps in your inner healing and spiritual journey by signing up for training today.