
An expert at transmutation; a practitioner capable of mystical transformation at the highest level of order. a problem solver; a life changer; an unlimited creator.”

-Dr Joe Dispenzer.

Soul led business coaching and mentoring for holistic practitioners, healers, and coaches looking to go from hobby and love affair into a professional thriving business with mindset-energetics-strategy

Do you have these thoughts playing on loop in your head and in your business?

“What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I do what she’s doing?”

“I don’t know enough. I’m not good enough. Maybe I should study some more.”

“I’m not good with money, it’s so hard to get, let alone keep!”

“There’s no way I can quit my 9-5 job and do what I love.”

“I don’t know the first thing about starting a holistic business.”

“What if it doesn’t work out?”

“What if no one signs up or books in.”

And while all these thoughts and beliefs swirl around on replay. Deep down that passion, desire, spark, and fire in your heart and belly (Your intuition) tells you this is it.

“This is where I’m suppose to be!”

Taking the leap from your hobby, passion, or side hustle, to a business that is soul led, while making you money not only just to pay the bills, but to pay yourself the wage you truly desire and deserve, allowing you to be in flow and abundance is no easy task.

But I’m here to help!

For the last fifteen years I’ve owned my own businesses, learnt the in’s and out’s of what to do, and more importantly what not to do, how to show up in an authentic way thats aligned with my soul, and what to do to gain traction and momentum to grow a thriving business.

But this is no ordinary business coaching. Anyone can teach you strategies to market your business, how to sell on social media, and how to start getting paid for the work you love.

But what isn’t being taught or done a whole lot is the emotional and inner work it takes to create a successful and thriving business.

All of your beliefs, blocks, stories, and programming come along with you into business and will continue to effect your porgress- how do I know this?

Because it happened to me and so many of my coaching and healing friends.

Your money beliefs, your beliefs around being seen and putting yourself out there into the world, the I’m not good enough stories, they all come with you, into a soulpreneur business.

So strategy and marketing is great, but if you have have blocks, fears, doubts, programming playing on loop that you can’t do this- then it means nothing!

You’ll start self sabotaging yourself before you even truly get started and making what’s supposed to be your dream business anything but a dream.

That’s exactly why I created this program for women just like you, combining inner healing, mindset work, along with strategy, and business coaching to help you from the get go.

A 4 month healing and coaching container, holding space for you to transform, up level, and grow into the business women and identity to flourish and succeed.

What’s included:

  • 2hr on boarding call with akashic record reading for your business to gain perspective and insight from your guides around your business

  • 8x Fortnightly 90 minute quantum healing + mentoring sessions to go deep into the energetics and mindset of your business and self, putting together your ideal clients and the ultimate offers and how to price them, activating your voice and stepping out to be seen on social media, and so much more. Expect light language codes and activations, deep clearing and healings, coaching, and strategy all in your sessions

  • Access to our online business training with over 200 videos to take you through email marketing, content strategy, platforms to market on, branding expansion, affiliate marketing, chat GPT, google productivity hacks, passion building, business tools, intro to digital marketing, and system IO to set up a website and payment system for your business if you don’t have one already, understanding your clients, and building your offer suite, Not to mention a library full of mindset and energy resource-sound healings, reiki sessions, eft/tapping, guided meditations, light language activations, and more to support you (this business course is valued at $2222!! and is yours for FREE)

  • An audit of your social media and website to see where there are blocks and where there is room for growth

  • Mon-Fri txt/email support for guidance and direction between sessions if needed

Take your passion, your skills, and your magic to the clients who need what you offer and get paid being of service, helping others heal, and having the time of your life while doing it!

This is for the women:

  • Who is ready to get paid doing what she loves

  • Who wants to quit her 9-5 and do her healing/service work full time

  • Who is ready to step up and lead and be of service

  • Who has no idea where to start when it comes to starting a business and feels totally overwhelmed

  • Who knows she has money blocks and limiting beliefs that are stopping her from taking her business to the next level

  • Who is ready to deepen her soul journey and dive deep into the next layer of healing

  • Who wants to start earning consistent 5-10K months in her business

  • Who wants to move through the fear of being seen and showing her face on social media

  • Who is ready for quantum shifts and transformation

Are you ready for the quantum leap and to align with your soul through your business?

Valued at $9999

Investment- Pay in full $7777 (save $4435)

Payment Plan options- 6 monthly payments of $1297

12 monthly payments of $649

The next round of Alchemy starts September 2024, and limited spaces are available. Join the waitlist now.